Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Today's Topic: Regular Visits

Patients should see their dentist and hygienist at least twice a year, every six months.
The reason for this is because plaque begins to form on our teeth about 20 minutes after we brush
and floss. There is no way that we can brush and floss every 20 minutes, so we always have a little bit
of plaque on our teeth. The plaque is soft and sticky and can be brushed and flossed off. If it is not
removed, it will calcify (get hard). When the plaque calcifies it cannot be removed by brushing and
flossing. The hygienist needs to use special instruments to remove the hard calcified deposits (tartar or
calculus). If the tartar is not removed, it can cause gingivitis and/or periodontitis (gum diseases).
Here is a little bit of information about what we do at your check-up, and why it is so important to see
  • In addition cleaning your teeth, the hygienist might also take x-rays to check for cavities and
    bone level. If the dentist is concerned about your gums he might recommend a consult with our
    periodontist, Dr. Childs.
  • The hygienist and dentist also do an Oral Cancer Screening at every check-up. We look at your gums, cheeks, throat, palate, and tongue to make sure that every thing looks healthy. If we find any causes for concern, we will recommend an appointment with a local oral surgeon for further diagnosis.
  • For most people, if you brush twice a day for two minutes (four minutes total), floss once a day, and get your dental cleaning twice a year, you will be doing what you need to to keep your teeth healthy!
  • Some people build up tartar faster than others due to certain enzymes in their saliva. These people need to get their teeth cleaned more often, than ever six months.
  • Most dental insurance companies cover all or most of the fee for two cleanings a year. There are circumstances when a patient is eligible for more frequent cleanings. Dental insurance plans usually have a rider to cover three to four dental cleanings a year for those who need it.

    If you have any questions about hygiene appointments, please don’t hesitate to ask. If you are overdue for a cleaning, please call us! Also, if you have a friend or loved one who hasn’t been to the dentist in a while, please encourage them to visit. Regular hygiene appointments are so important for your health! The front desk is always happy to assist you, so if you’d like to schedule an appointment or have a question regarding your insurance policy, we are more than happy to help you.

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